Dr. Pushpinder G. Bhatia |
Principal & Head of the DepartmentMagnetic Materials |
Physics | |
M.Sc, Ph.D. Physics | |
principal@gurunanakcollegeasc.in |
M.Sc. Physics from University of Mumbai – 1990
Ph.D. Physics from University of Mumbai – 2011
- M K Malik, Pushpinder G Bhatia, R R Deshmukh Effects of nematic liquid crystals on optical properties of solvent induced phase separated PDLC composite film 3440-3450, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol.5, issue 10, 2012, pp. 3440-3452, ISSN:0974-6846
- S S Kosalge, S A Waghley, P G Bhatia, B H Pawar Study of optical properties of cadmium oxide using UV-VIS spectroscopy, International Journal of Basic and Applied Research, Oct , 2012, 20-22,ISSN: 2278-0505.
- S Radha, Pushpinder G Bhatia A probe into the structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Barium and Lithium substituted pseudobrookites, Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 62, no. 10, May, 2013, pp. 1469-1472, ISSN: 0374-4884 (0.447 Listed in Scopus)
- Rathi Rajendra, Pushpinder G Bhatia, N Rajlakshmi Structural and electric properties of Titanium substituted Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite, IJCPS (Apr 2014), vol. 3, ISSN: 2319-6602 (1.3 Listed in Scopus).
- Pushpinder G Bhatia Study of the dielectric variation due to phase transformation in substituted spinels, IIJRST, vol. 3, issue 6, 2014, pp. 14062-14071, ISSN No. 2319-8753, (5.442 listed in Scopus)
- S S Parab, M K Malik, P G Bhatia, R R Deshmukh Investigation of Liquid Crystal Dispersion and Relaxation Behaviour in Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal Composite Films, Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 199, Sept, 2014, pp. 287-293, Elsevier 0167-7322, (2.515 Listed in Scopus).
- P G Bhatia Life long learning- learning to learn, Business Management Review, Jan 2015, ISSN No. 2047-2854, (Listed in Scopus).
- P G Bhatia Structural and Dielectric Studies of Fe-Li Substituted Hexagonal Barium Titanate, Intl. J. of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, April 2015, vol 4, issue 4, pp. 2460-2464, ISSN: 2319-8753, (5.442 Listed in Scopus).
- P G Bhatia Phase transformation in Ba-Ti substituted lithium ferrites and subsequent dielectric variations, IJCPS, Aug, 2015, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 40-50, ISSN:2319-6602, (1.8 Listed in Scopus).
- P G Bhatia A study of the structural and physical properties of substituted Barium hexaferrite, IJCPS, Feb, 2016, 6, ISSN: 2319-6602 .
- Sandhya Bharambe, Pushpinder Bhatia, “Exploration of Synthesis Techniques to Tailor Properties and Applications of Nano Iron Based Metal Oxides: A Review”, International Journal of Chemical and Physical Sciences(IJCPS), Vol. 6 Issue 6, Nov – Dec 2017, Pages: 135-144,ISSN:2319-6602.
- Ravindra N. Chikhale , Pushpinder G. Bhatia, Investigation on substitution of transition metal ion (Nickel) on structural and magnetic properties of rare earth doped cobalt ferrite nanoparticles, International journal of basic and applied research, 2019, ISSN 2249-3352 (P) 2278-0505 (E) , I.F : 5.960
- Ravindra N. Chikhale a and Pushpinder G. Bhatia , Effect of dysprosium doping on structural, morphological and magnetic properties co8ni0.2fe2−xdyxo4 ferrite ; Review Of Research ISSN: 2249-894 ;2019 , Impact Factor : 5.7631(UIF)
- Sandhya Bharambe, Pushpinder Bhatia, “Synthesis Techniques of Nickel Substituted Cobalt Ferrites – An Investigative Study Using Structural Data”, Materials Today: Proceedings(Elsevier),Volume-23,Part-2,2020,pages-373–381, IF 1.3
- Ravindra N. Chikhale, S.A Kanade and Pushpinder G. Bhatia , Low temperature rapid sol-gel auto combustion synthesis and structural , morphological and magnetic study of nickel substituted cobalt nano ferrites ; Phase Transitions ,94:6-8,511-526 , DOI:10/1080/01411594.1944630
- Ravindra N. Chikhale, S.A Kanade and Pushpinder G. Bhatia, Structural, morphological and magnetic study of low temperature synthesized Co75Ni0.25Fe1.95Dy0.05O4 nanoferrite ; Physica Scripta ; 96 , 2021, 045801
- Pendharkar , M Waghmare , Pushpinder G Bhatia, B. Khade , P. DEongre ; Photo-excitation nature of aromatic amino acids under electric field : Afluorescence spectroscopy study ; Romanian Journal of Biophysics; vol 31 , 3/2021
- Pushpinder G Bhatia , ; Metamorphosis of rural India post independence- tracking the changing scenario ; Aegaeum journal – (UGC-CARE approved) , vol 8 , issue 9 , 2020.
- Sandhya S. Bharambe & Pushpinder Bhatia ,”An Insight Into The Structure Of Nickel Substituted Cobalt Nano Ferrites Synthesized By The Sol-Gel Autocombustion Method”Aegaeum Journal (UGC-CARE approved), Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2020, Page No: 1735 -1746, Impact Factor :6.1
- Sandhya S. Bharambe, Pushpinder Bhatia and Umesh Shinde, “Nickel substituted cobalt ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel method; structural and magnetic studies”, JICR, Vol.12 Issue 5, May-2020,ISSN:0022-1945, Impact Factor:6.2 (UGC CARE- approved group-A)
- Ashish A. Nimbekar , Pushpinder G. Bhatia , Rajendrasing R. Deshmukh, Ammonia sensors manufactured by plasma enhanced grafting of conducting polymers on nylon- 6 fabrics, Synthetic Metals, (Elsevier) Volume 279, September 2021, 116840
- Fulbright Nehru Fellow (2019).
- Member, Executive Committee, National Centre for Science Communications (Since 2019).
- Recognized as a Ph.D. guide in Physics
- Executive Committee-Member public Relations Society of India.
- Life Member – Indian Women scientists Association.
- Life Member- Materials Research Society of India.
- Nominated India Ambassador for Celebration of International Day of science culture.